Support Our Cause To Help The Vulnerable Children

Providing care & support to vulnerable children by facilitating education, good nutrition, counseling, healthcare, income generating activities & HIV/AIDS education.

₦ 0
₦ 8,000,000

How much would you like to donate? As a contributor to Caring & Uplifting Widows & Orphans Organization we make sure your donation goes directly to supporting our cause. Thank you for your generosity!

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Billing Details

To GIVE toward any of CUWO NGO causes, follow these steps:

Give to us through your bank account or transfer to any of the following accounts below;

1. First bank:
Acct name: Caring and uplifting widowhood organization.
Acct No: 2004653367

2. First Bank - Dollar Account:
Acct name: Caring and uplifting widowhood organization.
ACCT NO:2033077475

3. Zenith Bank
Acct Name: Caring and
uplifting widowhood
Acct No. 1214241182

  1. On the remark line if you are transferring or given using your bank, please indicate that you are given to;

    Caring & Uplifting Widows & Orphans Organization

  2. Send us your GIVEN evidence screenshot to:

Your tax-deductible GIVEN is greatly appreciated!

Here's what you're about to donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: ₦ 1,000,000