
Cuwo Fried Rice

Original price was: ₦1,000.00.Current price is: ₦800.00.

Do you know you can keep your skin healthy just by eating fried rice? Vitamin C in this food is also beneficial to make your skin healthier.

SKU: 006 Category:


Presents in a 100g pet bottle of light greenish substances. Contains Powerful Antioxidant: Many types of vegetables like carrots and capsicum are also used in it, having the right amount of antioxidants and helping the body fight against many harmful bacteria. Fried rice contains antioxidants that can boost immunity.

Muscle Formation: Fried rice is recommended to consume for muscle formation. Simultaneously, having 77 per cent of carbohydrates can be beneficial for giving weight gain to people and children at lunch.
Maintains Healthy Skin:


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